SDA’s Material Exploration Award Goes to…
October 18, 2023I’m honored to announce that Year of Plastic, Family of Four won the Surface Design Association’s Material Exploration Award in their Fall Journal: Lasting Impression: Exhibition in Print! I’m grateful to this year’s juror, Lorna Hamilton-Brown, for highlighting my work in this way. One of my top career goals has always been to be respected by peers whose work I admire. Having two works accepted into shows by the Surface Design Association this year is very affirming for me, as is being chosen for this award by Hamilton-Brown, whose work is both conceptually compelling and expertly crafted.
The journal is free for SDA members but can be purchased by the general public here.
From the editors:
Surface Design Association is excited to announce our Fall 2023 edition of Surface Design Journal, Lasting Impression: SDA International Exhibition in Print.
“Readers may recognize a familiarity, a closeness or shared intimacy in the works chosen for SDA’s eighth annual International Exhibition in Print. This year we had the privilege of welcoming Lorna Hamilton Brown, a UK-based artist working with social practice and community-based art. A knitter at heart, she brings an international perspective brimming with a contagious appreciation for contemporary fibers. For this year’s EIP, Hamilton Brown challenges artists to leave ‘a lasting impression,’ to make a work of art that will resonate for years to come. It’s a difficult enterprise, trying to tell a story about our present while grappling with the long-term repercussions of Covid-19 and the environmental impacts of climate change.” - Elizabeth Kozlowski, Surface Design Journal Editor